What do you do and what are you most proud of in your making/designing history?
I create unique contemporary jewellery with a reduced environmental impact. My signature technique involves pouring molten pewter into water rapidly reducing its temperature and shocking it in to intriguing sculptural forms which I then combine with environmentally conscious materials such as eco resin and recycled silver.
Where do you work and what materials do you prefer/get most inspired by?
Inspired by powerful waterfalls freezing over, I developed this unique technique to replicate the sense of energy and movement being captured and frozen in time. Just like a frozen waterfall my work portrays a sense of fluidity and movement captured in a solid form. I am fascinated by the process of materials changing state from liquid to solid and through my designs I explore different ways of manipulating and controlling this natural process.
What do think will be important or significant for craft practice in general in the future?
I am continually refining and honing my skills as a maker and an important aspect of my practice is developing environmentally conscious ways of working. We are all aware of the adverse impact humans are having on the planet, we constantly see it on the news and in documentaries. I see this as potentially a really exciting time for crafts people, I think we are beginning to see a shift in attitudes away from mass produced disposable items towards quality, long lasting, locally made products. For me the future of craft is sustainability.
Amy has been a member of Design-Nation incorporating Design Factory since 2016.